The Art of Air Guitar

The Art of Air Guitar


    My girlfriend who lived next door became an expert at “Air Guitar” at age ten imitating Paul McCartney’s style.  She perfected his restrained British style: long legs and knees together with a chirpy bending from the left hip and an occasional bob of the head; although, technically, Paul played the bass guitar.

    The beauty of “air guitar” is that without laying out a penny on equipment, and without five minutes of practice, you can instantly feel the glory of accomplishment, prolific artistic expression, and the magic of making an instrument talk.  Your imagination can take you to lofty emotional heights – it may even inspire you to actually pick up a real instrument and climb the hours, weeks, months, and even years it takes to actually play a guitar.

     Playing “air guitar” develops creative acumen, but the real value is in the exercise of imagination and “fun for fun’s sake.” It may change your life.    My husband, while we were dating, deepened our relationship significantly when in a fit of fun we both launched into playing air guitar together.  I saw his wild side for the first time, also expressing mine, and ever since I have coveted his “melonbacher hollow neck.”

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