Too Tough To Die

     Wyatt Earp, Doc Holiday, The Birdcage Theater, The Boothill Grave Yard: Tombstone, Arizona is known as the "The Town Too Tough To Die."  I can testify that it is a town too tough to die because after spending the last two days there - I'm ready to go back!














    I was born and raised in Phoenix, AZ.  My parents migrated to Arizona (for my Father's health)  in 1942 from New York City where Dad practised law for Tom Dewey in the famous "Racquet Investigations."  Both Mom and Dad were originally from the deep South and relatives, upon hearing of their migration  to Arizona had concerns about the "Wild West:" cowboys and indians, shootem'ups on main street, whiskey, loose women and gambling.  Dad was a lawyer (he told the first lawyer jokes!) and came to Arizona to investigate real estate being sold with no water on it. The Wild West needed honorable people to "tame it." The Southwest weather agreed with them and so did the wide open skies and opportunities.

     Over the last fifty years I've seen Arizona go through many changes - Phoenix is one of the biggest cities in the country.  Thankfully, southern Arizona is still somewhat untouched - the desert takes a special eye to see it's beauty.  I was stunned to learn that not only are there wineries there (in full view of Cochise's Last Stronghold and the Chiricahua Mountains) but that the wines are good!  Kief-Joshua Vineyards yielded some very excellent wines that I can personally recommend. 

     I visited the old copper town of Bisbee, AZ and enjoyed the art galleries, antique shops, enjoyed mexican food and bought some great western boots for a good price. I believe that "Cowgirl Jazz" music might be the perfect complement to the ambience. The vistas are wide, the history is deep, and the sun always shines  in Arizona.  Come see for yourself and enjoy the new "Old West."